Monday, 18 November 2013

Y10 and Y11 Baroque and Roll... ahem.

Use this playlist to develop a better understanding of the features of baroque music. You should be able to give two or three reasons for each example as to why you think it is typical of baroque music.

Sunday, 17 November 2013

What's on this week...

Due to demand, we are now running a priority system for use of the drum room at break and lunch time. If the room is not being used by 12:15 each day by someone from the priority year group then it will be first come first served from any year group for the rest of lunch time. 

*** Normal Wednesday band continues to be postponed until January due to carol service rehearsals ***

Visiting music teachers
Break/Lunch priority
Monday 18th
Violin / Brass
Y11 recording @ 3
Tuesday 19th
Woodwind / Singing
Y8 singers (lunch, invite only)
Choir @ 3 open  to all
Closed for rehearsals
Wednesday 20th
Woodwind / Brass
Y11 composition @3
Thursday 21st
Guitar / Brass
Carol Service Band (invite)
Y11 revision @ 3
Friday 22nd

Monday, 4 November 2013

Practise, practise, practise: The secret to practise room success

Y13, take some time to read through this document and make your practise time more productive!

Y10 GCSE - Homework for Wednesday 6th

Learn how many sharps or flats each of the major keys have. You only need to go up to 4 sharps or flats (i.e. ignore the bottom three segments of the chart).

Any trouble viewing the chart, try clicking here to see it in a new webpage

Y13 Descending Bass Line Playlist

Have a listen to these songs that make use of a descending bass line. This is a technique you can make use of in your compositions and also the technical study. Try and work out the chords by listening...

What's on?! Week beginning 4th November

Monday 4th: brass and violin lessons; Y11 composition @ 15:00

Tuesday 5th: woodwind and vocals lessons; Choir @ 15:00

Wednesday 6th: Trumpet quartet (invite only), brass group (invite only), brass lessons; Academy Band @ 15:10

Thursday 7th: brass lessons, guitar lessons; Y11 revision/composition @ 15:00
** Students are welcome to be in the music department at break and lunch time to practise **