Sunday, 2 February 2014

What's On?

Week beginning 3rd February
A reminder to all instrumental students:

If you are not able to attend your music lesson at the scheduled time, you MUST let Mr Emery know so that it can be re-arranged. This avoids wasting time and money and ensures you keep making brilliant progress on your instrument.
If you receive instrumental lessons then you are expected to be at school band on a Wednesday afternoon, 3:15pm - 4:00 pm. We have new music (James Bond and Mr Blue Sky) and need your help to sound amazing!
Similarly for vocalists, we should be seeing you at choir on a Tuesday afternoon for some singing fun! Anyone is welcome and new mash-ups include Alicia Keys and Bruno Mars...

Visiting music teachers
Clubs / Extra support
Break/Lunch priority
Monday 3rd
Violin / Brass
Y11 recording @ 3
Tuesday 4th
Woodwind / Vocals
Choir @ 3 open to all
Closed for rehearsals
Wednesday 5th
Woodwind / Brass
School Band @ 3 open to all
Y11 composition @3
Thursday 6th
Guitar / Drums
Y11 higher grade support @ 3
Friday 7th

Y13 Work

Here is your work to be completed by Thursday please.

1) Condense your analysis of 'Oi! William, pass the bone' giving detailed references, into 5 bullet points for each of these headings:
  • rhythm & metre
  • melody
  • harmony
  • tonality
  • texture
2) Listen to the piece whilst you are doing it and identify the feature you are writing about aurally.

3) Anotate your scores with the information from your bullet points.